God has delivered me from so much. And I am grateful. But I am scared as well.
I am divorced. My ex-husband was extremely abusive. He is still abusive to our son who is only 7. I was forced to agree to shared custody. My ex husband’s attorney is very manipulative and malicious. So much so that she was just put on probation for lying to a judge about her client. She also made several false claims about myself and the case of our divorce.
I was awarded the home, and in return I accepted responsibility of our collective debts, but I had to file ch 13 to save the house. And now, she is demanding that I also sell the house. I don’t understand what she is threatening to do. I am tired. I am afraid and I am bankrupt. I can’t afford anymore lawyer fees to fend her off. God, please just make this man and woman leave us alone. In Jesus name, please pray that we are free from this by divine intervention. Peter was going to be killed and awaited his death in prison the following morning. He was awoken by an angel. His shackles fell off and he was led out to freedom. I am trying to trust God enough to fall asleep hours from my execution because he is never late, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t exhausted and afraid. I have a great deal of responsibility on my shoulders. And many other problems that keep popping up. A new job. A loss of more income. A bankruptcy to keep up with. My parents and son needing a roof over their heads. And it’s all on me to overcome. And now my tooth hurts. Not to mention my weekly worry about the safety and welfare of my son when he is with his very angry and aggressive father. He’s already hurt him several times and no one could do anything about it. Then to have this scornful man and woman not just let sleeping dogs lie. I’m ready to give up. To throw in the towel. I want to run away. God please, I need several miracles in quick succession to overcome these messes. I believe in God and all 7000 promises. And I love God. I try everyday to do as he would. I fight the urge to retaliate and pray for my enemies. I stop myself from becoming bitter because I always have hope, but my hope lately feels light. And I am tired. Almost in a state of freeze. Please pray for God to give me the clarity, strength and grace to walk through this. He is the only one who can help. Pray that he hears all my prayers. I am a sinner, but one who loves God. One who is learning to trust in him. In Jesus name, amen.