Restoration and deliverance from sin

Pray that I may be delivered from the pit of sin I have dug myself into. I have fallen back into the sins of my past and have found myself in bondage to lust and sexual sin. I have wronged God countless times and feel like I have spat in his face. I want to be restored but no matter how many times I try I always fail. Pray that God would restore a pure heart and willing spirit within me and the joy of my salvation so I may be restored to him and be at peace with him again. Pray that I will be resensitized to this sin and delivered from it once and for all. Pray that I will love God with all my being, put him first in my life, restore good godly habits in my life, not be ashamed of my faith, and feel God’s love again. And please pray that I would once again truly comprehend the Gospel and experience its joy and transforming power. Thank you all and God bless.