Psalm 11:5 Prince of Peace, I need more of You right now. I know that You test the righteous, and I stand in my faithfulness to You because You are my God. But I know that Your soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence, I know that it is not okay for me to be abused by my son. I pray for peace in my relationship, let Your Spirit change the heart and mind of my son. Allow him/her to see things like You do, Amen.

Psalm 11:5
Prince of Peace, I need more of You right now. I know that You test the righteous, and I stand in my faithfulness to You because You are my God. But I know that Your soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence, I know that it is not okay for me to be abused by my son. I pray for peace in my relationship, let Your Spirit change the heart and mind of my son. Allow him/her to see things like You do, Amen.