Prayer for repentance and salvation restoration

Prayer Request: Please pray for the salvation repentance and the filling of the holy spirit of my entire family. The Lords arm is not to short to save. Please pray for the healing mind, body soul and spirit and the removal of generational curses, witchcraft curses and any plans of the enemy to be canceled in our lives. Pray that no weapon formed against us will prosper. Pray for the promises of God in our lives and that everything the enemy has stolen is returned 100/1000 fold for the glory of God. Pray that James and Angela Hughes be granted wisdom, knowledge and discernment to make good godly decisions. Pray that the seeds of Gods truth planted in our children bring forth a harvest of righteousness in their lives and their children’s lives. That we would hunger and thirst for righteousness. Pray that we are meek and will inherit the earth. Pray for godly marriages for us and our children. Pray for favor with the Lord and man that even our enemies would be at peace with u s. Pray for a hedge of protection around us, our family, children and grandchildren. Pray that we are women and men after Gods own heart. Lastly pray that we fulfil our destinies for which cause the Lord brought us in the world for such a time as this. In Jesus Name Amen

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