“And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing, ye shall receive”
Matthew 21:22
I am asking you LORD JESUS to bless and restore our marriage and family. Restore my husband to the man he used to be. Please let him know I am sorry for what I did and I will be the same wife as I was. Help us to be close the way we used to be. I miss him and can’t stand to see him so sad.and not the same man as he used to be. Please show him the man he is and help him forgive me and let go of the past and build a beautiful future for us and our family. We need you so bad LORD. Please take the pain from him. Help himbto look at this in a way that he won’t hurt and we can be the couple we always were and love each other the way we used to. Im begging you JESUS to save us before its too late. Thank you for our blessings