Make up for Sad Life

Dear Jesus, I’ve been lonely in high school not able to be in regular classes, special ed tortured abused lied to not having fun like other students. When I go to college I’m stuck doing work work work, not doing the things I want to do I don’t go to bars or drink even or smoke I wanted to make videos and socialize more with my friends and make games do stuff to make my life better, but after graduation, my life is still boring and having horrible, lonely jobs and just eat sleep go to work having very little fun we’re not doing the things I’d like to do  my parents don’t understand how hard things are for me and don’t try hard enough to help. 

that is why I want to be a speaker at AIG and be on the streaming service make money to pay off college debt and get recognition. I’ve been waiting for for years suffering with autism and ostricized bored and lonely, ignored losing my last job. Well, this would really make up for it.