
Prayers for a friend he is going through a love triangle and need prayers  they both love each other but there is a woman in the way.  She doesn’t love  my friends friend always. Controlling him. Not able to be himself she instagater she’s a lier controlive  controls his every move  controls his life    very toxic in my friends life and lies on her    lies on everything about her. He  is so blind by  it help me pray hat  h God can remove this woman.   Outta of  his life so my friend and him  Can be together.  This girl creates dramas and. Creates lies and. Not a good  person in his life.  Always  having to get him not good enough and my  friend loves him deeply he’s not seeing that  that this other girl treats him  poorly they have a really.  Amazing bond and I hope my friend and him   get together  and the thought of him living my friend. He rather have a girl that is controlive and all  hen to have a good woman by his side and I pray that he opens his eyes. So God can. Help my friend win his heart back amenÂ