Difficult work situation

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, 

I am requesting prayers for my niece who is currently facing a difficult situation at her job, which is basically bullying and harassment (not sexual). 

My niece is in a senior managerial position which entails her having to work with a peer who although is on the same level as my niece, has different responsibilities but they have to be in agreement. However, this person is very aggressive and arrogant, and talks down at my niece, even in the presence of other members in their team.  This has been causing my niece much intimidation and anxiety. 

My niece has asked for us all to pray for her and for Divine intervention, that God will favourably resolve of the situation / issues. We are believers and try our best to live honest and good lives, but there could never be enough prayers. So I am asking all of you to help us pray this situation through, so that we could experience the Glory of the Hand of God once again, through Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 

Thank you all and may God continue to Bless you all. Amen.Â