death; academic and professional success

I pray my rage against liars subsides because pain they cause me from their lies makes me want to die.  I pray to die because of the pain their lies.  I pray to die because I do not have a job.  I pray to die because I am powerless.  I pray to die right now because I am powerless to stop the lies, illegalities, and wrongs against me.

If I live, I pray to pass all my exams.  If I live, I pray to graduate.  If I live, I pray to pass the bar and get sworn in as a licensed attorney.  If I live, I pray to get hired in a long term stable job as an attorney where I take care of myself and people stop trying to control me.

Right here, right now, I pray to die because of the lies and people who want me to be a mom and I rather die than be a biological mom.  I will sooner commit suicide than be a biological mom.  I hate most people.  Most people are cruel to me.  My family is mostly physically, sexually, and mentally abusive.  Right here, right now, I pray to die.

I have been celibate for 2 3/4 years and I will not sexually be with a man until I am legally married.  I will not sexually be with a man until I graduate, pass the bar, get sworn in, and a job where I can take care of myself.

Right here, right now, I pray to die because most people are habitually cruel liars, abusers, and I am powerless to make them stop hurting me.