
I am an on the go 24/7 mom of 3. I have been battling health issues and feeling crummy, started with vertigo and progressed to other things more cardiac related for going on a year now. My husband is supportive and amazing and we don’t have family or friends that live near us to help us out. We are planning to travel to see family, and have family coming in, for a birthday party for our littlest. All the doctors appointments and tests up to this point have ruled out cardiac blockages, among numerous things, for all the chest pain and palpitations I’ve been having. I have struggled to keep my faith as answers aren’t found and I am losing sight of ever feeling healthy and normal again. I have a small circle of family and friends who know about my problems but they just don’t get it. My symptoms have been worse the past couple days and I have debated between just going to the ER and cancelling/postponing the whole party or just keep carrying on until a true emergency occurs. I have chose to stay the course but am asking for continued prayers for myself, my kids, my situation, the doctors, any tests, clear decisions, and just peace with my health. I appreciate it more than you know. God Bless whoever reads this. Thanks.