Guidance and new hope.

Lord I thank you and I praise you Jesus you are my hope and my god.  Lord I ask you to please send me better and good guidance. I ask you to help me to find a new way to make a living. God I am at an age that makes it hard to start over. I have no more retirement and no real income. Please God help me to figure out how to make a living and help me to be very prosperous in this so that I can make up for what has been lost. Lord I also ask you for a wife. If possible I would like to marry Susan. If that is not your will than I accept that. God If it is your will then please send angels to bring us together. God please also help me with my home. I need money Lord to fix it up. Lord, Help me to be able to pay off my home completely fast. Thank you Father I ask all of this in the Holy name of Jesus. Amen