Freedom needed

I had a twin flames experience with on-set of kundalini awakening last year with a person whom I found in the internet. Jesus came into my life and dispelled all darkness that I had in the form of occult beliefs and now I know Jesus is the only way to Our Father. I then saw how my life was designed from me being conceieved in my mother’s womb to the day I met this twin flame guy to support the agenda that we both are incarnations of 2 famous gurus who in their lives lived as twin flames. I came out of the deception but the guy who was linked to me I believe has not. He is a married person and the fear of committing adultery led me to Jesus and out of all lies. The moment I shared with him the truth that Jesus might be the only saviour and we don’t need each other, I started experiencing spiritual warfare. I then had 8 months long battle with intrusive thoughts. I backslid many times because initially I had no idea how to have relationship with Jesus. From my kundalini awakening I kept having dreams that this twin flame guy is going to die and the dark forces were making me have mother kind of feelings for him, I knew I am not that kind of a person. These happened as a continuation to those life stories of 2 gurus. I also got to witness this guy having his alters talk to me that he had no recollection of. Or he might be channelling demons that possessed him. Also there were subtle details in his social media that he is practising satanism and might have gone through mk ultra kind of trauma based mind control from his childhood. He has substance abuse problem as well. Since I came to see how I was trained from my birth to support this idea that I am next life incarnation of one of the gurus, I am afraid that this person is also trained from his childhood to become my handler with the outer appearance of being my spiritual partner and he could not grasp the idea of Jesus because of his mental health problems, I believe. Since he is a married man, I refused to talk to him from the very beginning but I was forced to send him messages with spiritual information when I was on the dark side. But after talking to him about Jesus, our communication was blocked supernaturally many times and I was attacked a lot by demons that made me think those were demons from him. I at times thought he was evil and was doing witchcraft on me. But Jesus revealed to me that we were raised by same demons and those are making me see him as evil. Since he gives up his body to be possessed many times, I am afraid he might end up hurting people around him especially his wife and child. I know these demons hate his wife and want him for themselves. Please pray that our Father in Heaven deliver him and myself to Jesus. When I got saved, the spirit behind kundalini made me think it was the Holy Spirit. I still suffer from kundalini symptoms. Please pray for my deliverance from evil. I was hit with tons of dreams and visions that twin flame guy and I were meant for each other. Many times I still have this feeling that I will take care of him if God gives him to me recently. This was not the case when I first got saved. God used him to show me my sins, and my search for Jesus strengthened as I wanted Jesus for him and my brain started believing we are meant to be. When I thought I was communicating with the Holy Spirit, I got told that his wife is cheating on him and his kid is not his. Later I realised that is not from Holy Spirit and I yelled at him thinking he sent demons, giving me that info to get me back to love him. In this way, I was used by demon to seed doubt in his heart about his wife. Or the demons might have picked a cheating wife for him. But his involvement in the occult is the reason why his wife must be targetted is what I fear. I cannot tell anything for sure. There’s so much going on that I cannot tell what is from God and what is from satan. I am worried about him, his wife and his child. Please pray for all 3 of them to be safe and protected by Jesus Christ. Please pray that him and I get mental health support. Please pray that I stop having feelings for him and let go of him and only if God intends for us to be in communication, I would be talking to him in future.  Thank you.