Prayer for a special woman

I have a former female friend who I havent seen in several years. I still think about her often and pray for her, though. I found out that she started a new job recently and I pray that God will bless her there as an opportunity for her to build her resume and skillset and I have been praying for job promotion financial increase over her. I pray that she is recognized, treated fairly, and receives the the favor she deserves in her workplace

She is highly intelligent and a very beautiful, gifted lady. I pray that God draws her closer to him and equips her with boldness and confidence to start her own ministry

I also pray that God blesses her with a godly husband who is supportive of her and who respects her and can provide for her and who is spiritually mature; even if God decides to marry her to another man instead of me, I still pray that she finds the right man and that their future marriage will prosperĀ