I Ann have been diagnosed with 2 virus (HIV+ & HEP B+) on life maintenance meds since 1988. Praying for ” Breakthroughs in Science & Medical Cure” as Im now 60 yrs of age. My adult son Keith 43yrs diagnosed with developmental delay to overcome learning limitation & difficulty in reading & writing English & counting money by method or program for a visual learner. Currently in vocational training program for over 15yrs. Keith has enough self-confidence & retail store skills kknowledge to transition in near future to other job oportunities in retail working environment in his community to become finacially independent atleast semi-independent before its too late for him. Reunification with his mom Ann who hasnt seen her son inover 6yrs. God brings a man of God for Ann to remarry as she has never has a godly loving family in her or sons life to date. God reveals heavenly vision & plans for her & sons future. Moves back to Oregon for a new start in rebuilding her & sons life with sufficent funds to purchase a condoor townhouse and starts small family successful business for her son in time.

Prayer Partners,-

            PLEASE ! Lift & keep in your committed prayers Keith DeVelbiss  to overcome any learning delay & limitations in learning how to read & write English & count money at 43 yrs of age by whatever method or program works for him. Hes currently in a vocational training program for over 15 yrs receiving minimum wage though doesnt have thge type of job skills yetr to enable him to become at a higher level  productive member of socirty or world. God brings efamily back to together divorced from biological father or brings a godly man into Keiths mom”s life (Ann) to remarry giving Keith a Godly loving family before Ann living with chronic conditions  stable on meds is unable for any reason as time & life is passing quaickly for us all. Ann (Mom) moves back to Oregon  after her mom Patricia pays off mortgage on condo or sells it in 2023 to be closer to her son as he is only child and its been very difficult separation for many years of her special needs son. Anns Mother Patricia strays strong and in good health 84yrs old with a number of helath conditions and returns back into condo their financing for over 6yrs resolving strife & disunity between them and moves to Oregon atleast Ann with money from sale of their condo in near future to move forward with their lives including Ann returning back to college to complete alcohol & drug counseling program or chaplaincy at nearby college. Their best interests & highest good of all is met one way or another and Gods plans & perfect will for their lives is fulfiulled as well at peace with all in Jesus mighty name becoming exactly person God created and they  want to become finshing their race strong & well pleasing to God. Faithful, true & wise servant leaders all the way home to God Kingdom/ Heaven their forever home in Jesus great name!…

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